Inline Reagentless Fluoride Analyzer 




What It Does For You

Our FX-300-F fluoride analyzer uses a robust combination ion selective electrode (ISE) to reduce the cost of ownership when measuring free fluoride ions in real time for drinking water fluoridation or fluoride reduction.

Our customers typically obtain sensor life of 4-5 years while continuously monitoring or controlling in drinking water.

High Cost Reagent Systems

Reagent based online fluoride analyzers work well but are costly to operate and maintain. Many cities find after several years that the operating and repair costs are more than they are willing or able to spend.

Better Resource Allocation

With a lower purchase price, no consumables to replace and no need for a service contract you can devote more budget and operator time to other critical systems in your facility. 

The savings also allows you to monitor more points in your distribution system.

Modular Savings

Modular design means you don't have to buy functions you don't need.

Don't want relays? Don't need pH compensation because your water is always above 6pH? No problem, just order the fluoride transmitter alone. It comes with 3-digit LED local display and scalable 0/4-20mA output.

If your needs change you can add additional functions at a later date.

Fast Temp

Measurements are a function of free ion activity at a given temperature.

The standard "Fast Temp" feature in our sensor places the PT1000 temperature compensation element closer to the measuring tip and surface of the sensor.

Thermal equilibrium is reached more quickly, resulting in more accurate and stable readings.


The analyzer is designed for continuous monitoring and chemical feed process control; it's not intended to replace lab instruments.

It requires an offset calibration, done without removing the sensor from service, using the grab sample results from a separate reagent based photometer or lab instrument.

Zero Maintenance

Beyond possible tip cleaning, it requires no maintenance whatsoever.

There are no solutions to refill or sensing elements to replace.

There are no separate working and reference electrodes to maintain.


Easy Installation

Most of our customers order their system mounted and plumbed on the optional 12" x 24" flow panel.

Simply attach to the wall and connect the supplied sample and waste tubing to the hose barb fittings.

It includes: flow control valves to supply the sample and set the back pressure; a factory set pressure regulator and flow meter; schedule 80 PVC piping is laid out to keep the sensor tip wet if flow is lost, and standard 1" pipe tee to mount the quick disconnect sensor fitting.

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Easy to Operate

The base configuration includes a fluoride transmitter ranged 0-10ppm with 3-digit LED display and 4-20mA output scaled at the factory to 0-2ppm; mounted in a 4.33" wide NEMA 4X enclosure.

Three buttons on the face of the transmitter are used to navigate, set up or calibrate the system. Use the Mode button to display ppm, temperature; or to enter setup and calibration mode. Use the up or down buttons to make adjustments.

Selectable operating ranges include 0-10, 0-100 and 0-999 ppm to suit your application.

Options include an alarm relay module with basic control functions, data logging, temperature output or measurement modules for additional sensors including pH.

RS485 Modbus RTU output is available only at time of order.


 Download  FX-300-F Brochure



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Sensor Features

The sensor measures unbound free fluoride ions  between 0.019 ppm and 19,000 ppm directly in potable water only with a pH between 5.5 - 9.5 pH.

Construction features include:

  • The sensor is a sealed combination type that includes both the measuring and reference electrodes in one sensor body, meaning no refilling of reference electrodes.
  • Our Fast Temp feature places the temperature element, visible on the left, closer to the outer surface and tip for quicker temperature compensation.
  • Solid state reference system that is non-porous and non-permeable so that only select ions can "communicate" with the secondary junction.
So what? Well, compared to porous gel filled  systems it:
- experiences less deterioration,
- it won't absorb gases and liquids into the junction, which reduces premature aging,
- it doesn't easily dry out,
- is much more impervious to solvents, chemical attack and high temperature.

  • Standard double reference junction to prevent contamination of the electrolyte, triple junction is optional.
  • Temperature sensing element is closer to the tip and surface of the sensor body, proving faster response to temperature changes and thus more stable measurements.
  • Heavy walled Radel™ plastic body provides mechanical strength and chemical resistance
  • Get Sensor Specifications Here


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Customers & Systems


City of Vancouver, WA (1)

State College, PA (4)

City of Brooksville, FL (3)

US Military Academy, West Point, NY (2)

City of Fort Collins, CO (2)

City of Troy, NY  (1)

Rio Tinto, Quebec (3)

Rio Tinto, British Columbia (1)

Customers & Systems


Tania Bottled Water Co. Saudi Arabia (1)

Tampa Bay Water, Land O Lakes, FL (2)

City of Salem, OR (2)

City of Saratoga, NY (1)

Town of Norwich, NY (2)

City of Ipoh, Malaysia (2)

Weber Basin Water Conservancy District (1)

Customers & Systems


City of Cincinnati, OH (4)

City of Ossining, NY (1)

City of Roseville, CA (2)

Beale Air Force Base, CA (1)

City of Chillicothe, OH (1)

Nestle Waters N. America, Cabazon (3)

Warren County Water & Sewer (2)